
Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving the pulp and nerves of the tooth and the tissues surrounding the tooth root. Endodontic treatments include maintaining the vitality of the tooth, treating damaged and non-vital teeth, and renewing the treatment of teeth that have previously undergone unsuccessful root canal treatment. Root canal treatment constitutes the most common practice in current endodontic applications.

A tooth that has been saved through root canal treatment will continue to function in the mouth like any other healthy tooth. There is generally no difference between a tooth treated endodontically and a normal tooth. The indication for endodontic treatment is greater in elderly patients and those with systemic illnesses because endodontic treatment is less traumatic than tooth extraction.

Root Canal Treatment: Root canal treatment is performed due to deep cavities, fractures, cracks, trauma, and inflammation of the pulp. Especially in cases of pulpitis, infection, visible redness or swelling around the tooth, or sensitivity to thermal stimuli and chewing, root canal treatment is applied to eliminate the diseased pulp.

Local anaesthesia is applied to prevent pain and discomfort during the treatment. During the treatment, the endodontist removes the pulp, disinfects, enlarges, and shapes the root canals, and finally fills them with a root canal filling material. In some cases, disinfectant medications may also be applied to eliminate bacteria in the pulp chamber and root canals. Root canal treatment can take place in one session or several sessions, depending on the condition of the tooth.

In vital teeth, anaesthetic is administered to eliminate the pain sensation during root canal treatment. If the tooth to be treated has lost its vitality, root canal treatment can be performed without anaesthesia. During or after root canal treatment, teeth may be sensitive to touch and chewing for a few days. Although this condition is temporary, any discomfort that may occur can be prevented with pain relievers.

To prevent potential complications in a tooth treated with root canal therapy, it is recommended to avoid chewing on the tooth until a permanent restoration is completed. Depending on the extent of the dental material loss, the permanent restoration of the tooth is completed by filling or crowning.

Renewal of failed root canal treatment: Teeth treated with adequate care with endodontic treatment can have a long lifespan like other natural teeth. However, healing may not occur in the treated tooth or pain may persist. Sometimes, pain may appear months or even years after treatment. In such cases, there is a need to renew the root canal treatment (retreatment). If root canal treatment needs to be renewed, the root canal filling inside the tooth is removed, and the root canal treatment is repeated. Sometimes, due to anatomical variations and narrow, blocked canals, it may not be possible to renew root canal treatment. In such cases, the dentist may decide to perform endodontic surgery.

Whitening of a tooth with root canal treatment: Discoloration in a tooth due to previous root canal treatment can be eliminated by applying whitening procedures. In cases of discoloration due to trauma, whitening procedures are applied after root canal treatment.

Successful endodontic treatment completely eliminates swelling and pain in the tooth. After root canal treatment, the inflammatory tissue initially present at the root tip gradually heals. This healing can also be observed radiographically.

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